Friday 21 August 2015

If G is For Google, What Do the Remaining “Alphabets” in A-Z Mean?

The recent restructuring of the tech giant Google under a larger company Alphabet, that was announced on Monday, has come up with a lot of news and controversies associated with it. It’s being reported that BMW claims to own the Alphabet trademark and it’s the owner of domain name.
The co-founders of Google  Larry Page and Sergey Brin, will now look after Alphabet while Google will be handled by the previous senior vice president Sundar Pichai, who will take over as the new CEO.

We bring to you the interesting story behind the name of Alphabet. Alphabet deals in a wide range of moonshot products and internet services. The origin of Alphabet is linked to the different services and products that are offered by Alphabet, previously Google. Find a list of the services and products offered by Alphabet in the alphabetical order below:

A – Alphabet / Android / AdSense / Analytics / Ara / AdMob / Alerts
B – Blogger / Boston Dynamics / Books
C – Calico / Cardboard / Capital
D – Drive / DeepMind / Design / DoubleClick
E – Earth / Express
F – Fiber / Fi / Flights / FeedBurner / Firebase / Finance
G – Google / Gmail / Glass / Groups
H – Hangouts
I – Images / Ingress / Inbox / Invite Media
J – Jump
K – Keep
L – Life Sciences / Local / Loon
M – Maps / My Business / Makani
N – Nest / News / Nexus / Now
O – Offers
P – Plus / Play / Photos / Picasa / Pixate / Patents
Q – (Nexus) Q
R – Refine / reCaptcha
S – Search / Shopping / SageTV /Stackdriver / Skybox / Skia / Scholar
T – Translate / Tango
U – N/A
V – Voice / Ventures / VirusTotal / Video
W – Wallet / Wing
X – X Labs
Y – YouTube
Z – Project Z / Zagat

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